In our quilt guild, Stitches From The Soul Sisters, we set a time for quilt demos, and this year I have the job of instructing. In January the block that I chose to demonstrate was the "Underground Railroad Block." Perfect for Black History Month which the block had to be bought in at our February meeting. Well, wouldn't you know we had snow up to you know where so we couldn't meet. This block starts a serious of blocks for our block of the month demos. The group was suppose to purchase three to four fabrics to work all the block with in order to bring all of the different block together for our sample quilt. I wanted to introduce quality fabrics and some of the new batiks that are on the market. Most of the guild members are novice quilters so for the next several months the demos will be simple with each month a more challenging method. The block shown is a 12/1/2" block to get experience in cutting and squaring up the pieces so when you start sewing everything fall into place. The group did a spactacular job.